Find A Seed Processor
With 67 individual farmer-owned seed and grain processing co-ops located throughout Alberta, and the Peace region of BC, the Alberta Seed Processors, formerly known as Alberta Association of Co-op Seed Cleaning Plants Ltd. offers a wide range of services. In addition to basic seed cleaning, many co-op plants offer services such as exporting of specialty grains and pulse crops, producer car loading sites, processing for grain brokers, and as distribution sites for seed growers/companies.
Who We Are
Our Vision
To create seed and grain processing opportunities for local and global markets.
Our Mission
To strengthen and build upon past accomplishments in seed and grain processing and business diversification focusing on long term business sustainability.
Our Members
Currently membership is open to any agricultural based co-op within a reasonable distance to Alberta to ensure membership benefits can be delivered.

Alberta Seed Processors are heading up a program aimed to encourage growers to use the best seed possible to target successful crop production.

Alberta Seed Guide
Published twice a year, the Alberta Seed Guide (ASG) is the farmers go-to source of variety and performance information. Reaching over 50,000 farmers with sought after regional variety trial information, new varieties data and the grower directory to source seed, farmers in the Peace region of B.C. and across Alberta rely on ASG.
Produced in partnership by the Alberta-British Columbia Seed Growers Association and the Alberta Seed Processors, ASG goes beyond variety information offering in-depth articles on the issues driving change in the industry, seed and whole-farm best management practices, and new seed related products.